Time To Get you Arse In Gear

We woke up and headed to the Opus only to be amused by Mr Lees impression of a homeless dude. It wasn't open quite yet so the troops headed to BAPS for some breakfast goodness. It was only round the corner and when we got back Fanchea was the with the Gallerys sales director Emma Poole discussing ideas on the aesthetics of the show which to be honest didn't appeal to us at the initially but after a frustrated few minutes everyone picked themselves up and got on with the job at hand even though the stress levels were beginning to rise because time was an element that seemed like it was trying to pass quickly.

The shit thing was that Gav's work still hadn't been delivered and the postman had been and gone, so he was on the web trying to track his recorded delivery down like a mongoose hunting its prey. Everyone seemed interested in the culture up in Scotland and would ask about the iconic treats that it has to offer, it seemed a bit early for a whiskey so Jonny nipped out to get the next best thing.

Irn Bru is the second best selling drink in Scotland apparently and its colour has given it the nickname 'Ginger' which everyone found amusing as the started to speak in their best Scottish accents. Shit started to come together and even Mr Lee began to become a mirror image of myself armed with a knife and a cuppa tea.

Here are some shots of how the gallery space turned out in the end which ened up looking amazing forgetting about the disagreements in the morning.

The Mr Jago deck was propably my favourite piece in the show.

And where was I when everyone was doing an amazing job getting the whole thing sorted and organised? yep I was in the corner of the gallery cutting away.

What a night !!!
Im now your biggest fan sir! was an absolute pleasure, hope it's the first of many exhibits we do together!!
Cheers dude,
~ Gav.
Yo, not only do I love your work, loved what I saw of thr Rebelo show via Gav... I am now an even bigger fan hearing your accent on the podcast...Ma Mother's from Motherwell (go quite alot for fam reasons) and I used to have the accent when I was a wee bairn. Amen to the irn-bru thing I drink far too much of it..it's shit in england they use english tapwater at the factory here.
sorry about the minor essay
have a nice day
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