The Long Road Home
If you may recall back to a couple of posts ago you may remember that I painted a skate deck for the creator of my website, the gifted Gav Strange @ Jam-Factory. So instead of posting the deck in the post I got into my car and began the long drive down to Bristol. The journey down took just over 5 hours with a much needed petrol stop just a few miles out side of Bristol as I was running on empty. Thankfully I had a sat nav telling me where to go and parked the motor outside Gavs flat to be welcomed by the man himself.

After parking the car Gav gave me the tour of his flat MTV Crib style and I got to meet his fellow flat mate Sully.

After the tour we had put the kettle on and had a cuppa tea and had a banter and then Then headed out and about to check out some of the sights of Bristol.
Banksy had worked his magic just round the coner from Gavs flat which was cool to see but funny as well as I was one of the many people snapping this piece.

As it was Saint Patricks Day we head to a cool place that also doubles up as a cinema. I had a Guinness whilst Gav chilled with a Lemonade. Gav was however well impressed by the barmaids skills of making a shamrock in the froth of the Guinness, do't think he had seen it before to which I told him that "after a few pints of the stuff you forget it's even there."

After our drinks we chilled back at the flat and had some toast and more tea, being flat mates with Sully you'd think that Gav would have learnt by now not to steal his last piece of toast as Sully packs a mean slap across the back of Gavs head.

Gav was well juiced about his new piece of art as he recreates the origonal photo.

We headed out to get a pizza at Pizza Express dodging through all the drunken folk pretending to be Irish for the day. The food anyway was preety good but the waitress wasn't up for the Glasgow banter. Getting back to the flat I met Gavs other Flat mate Amy who is well sound. Aswell as Amy Gav also shares the crib with the talented RichT who was away doing some work in Wales I think, anyway his work is sick and is darted pretty much through out the whole flat.

I was also admiring the origonal painting that Gav owns by Mr Jago.

The night was young so Gav cracked open a bottle of the good stuff and showed me the fun that you can have with a Nintendo Wii.

The following morning it was time for me to head up the road after some geeking it up time checking emails and sharing some music, I then headed back up to Scotland hitting a snow storm on the way up. It was a lot of driving in two days but it was well worth it. Gav was a great host and it was good to see him again and hopefully we hook up in the future real soon. Thanks a lot to Gav for letting me come down.

A few days later and I headed into Glasgow to pick up some framing that I got done for my new OBEY prints which I recieved the other week from mr postman.

So all in all I had a really good chilled weekend but now it's back to the grind stone to get on with some serious work which I'll keep you updated with.
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