Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm off to see the wizard of OZ

Well I wish I was going to the land of Oz but at least my work is, I am so excited to be a part of the Adelaide Fringe and displaying my work with such a great selection of fellow artists. I recieved an email with the flyer attatched and it looks great. So if by chance you are reading this and you are from Australia the get yourself to Adelaide to check out the fringe which judging by the content described on the website sounds like an amazing time. i would like to thank Satta and JD for getting in touch to make this happen. Thank you both.
I have been busy working on a new piece which I'll be taking to my good friends at The Red Door Gallery in Edinburgh. After completing 'NYAzz' I continued to go through my holiday pics from New York to see if there was any other photos of interest, more will be revieled once the piece is completed but here is how it is looking so far.

I love New York as I have mentioned I'm sure many times before but there is no place like home so stay tuned for what is is the pipelines for newer work. Again more will be said in a couple of blogs time. But what I can say is that I am happy to have 'Blinds' returned to me from Opus Underground down in Newcastle because I became really attatched to that piece as I worked on it, which is a problem most of the time for me towards my work. My parents really like 'Blinds' and so you may say christmas has come early for them as it is now hanging in their home but knowing me I'll probably ask for it back one day.

Just a short update again this time just to spread the word about the Fringe Adelaide, stay tuned for more to come.


At 7:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

ha sick stencil. thats the one of zak in new york.


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