Weekend of cutting

What a weekend i had. Firstly i Fancied customising my studio walls by doing a painting on it. I played around withe the perspective of the font which looks pretty trippy from the side view, but it's better than the bits of tape I had all over the wall.

So after i painted the wall I continued with my cutting. I spent the majority of saturday working in my studio and most of sunday aswell untill it was time for my sunday roast. I'm still cutting my pattern out and after 12 hours of cutting I'm not even half way through, I'm looking forward to getting that done, should be good. This is me just getting my paintings ready for the The Red Door Gallery as the dead line is soon so I'd best get back to it. Peace
that looks well cool. good call with the perspective on the text, makes the flat wall look like it is on angle.
nice studio dude.
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