Friday, July 11, 2008

Order 'Foo Kin rice' next time

It has been some time it seems since I updated my blog to let you good folk know what has been going on. I have been working hard on some new paintings getting ready to send them off to Australia as I have been invited to exhibit at this years Stencil Festival for a show titled '5 Continents - 6 Artists' and below are two paintings I am sending.

'Drunken Man'

'Another Day In China Town'

The other week I headed down with a few other members of the M8 Collective to Leicester for the Sole Elements Show in line with the Bass Festival, myself, Gazmac, Foot Solejah and Leslie of Fat Buddha Store and a van load of art and limited edition trainers drove down with some interesting questions being asked on the way down.

We arrived in a very wet Leicester and began to set up the show which was only to run for the weekend, but there was still a lot to get on with.

Gazmac made some finishing touches to his 'Undesirable Type' painting.

A detailed shot of the glitter of his painting

Big Brother is watching

My display of skateboards and custom trainers.

Works by myself and Gaz

Futura Sneaks, toys and sign $50 bill

Custom toys by Dinosauria

We got to our hotel which the guys at 2funky records (who hosted the show) had arranged for us to stay over the weekend. It wasn't the best place I have ever been to and the yellow stains on the mattress didn't help.

Gaz and Leslie enjoying the hell hole.

The Foot Solejah got in touch with the guys of 2funky who told us to grab our bags and get the hell out there as they were moving us to a better hotel.

And sure enough it was well better, and by better I mean the best hotel I have stayed in.

The reception area.

Gaz and the flat screen TV

An absolute weapon of a bathroom

Quite spacious compared to our previous rooms. Notice Gaz up for celebrating with a drink from the mini bar

We settled down and headed across the road to The Noodle Bar for some amazing grub and a few enjoyable pints.

The show didn't have an opening night like a usual show but a good group of folk came in to check out the art and sneaks including my Xynthetic brothers, Gavin Strange and Pone came along to check it out, Gav was mad enough to come all the way from Bristol. Even Mr Jonny Clooney made it to the show.

The weekend was over and we headed back to Glasgow. I cracked on with getting work ready for Australia and for the up and coming show in Belfast which is happening in the next couple of weekends, but I did manage to find some time to put down my knife and catch up with some folk. I headed down to Prestwick Airport to check out the arrival of the B17 'Liberty Belle' which was doing a final tour of countries across the Atlantic.

It was really something special to watch especially to see the B17 do a low fly by over the runway, this classic made an amazing noise as it flew by.

I got pretty close as it made its way to its parking space. These are the two pilots who welcomed a coffee after flying 6 hours from Iceland, they were also welcomed by a mass of reporters and camera men.

I also took some time to grab a pint with my friend Theo 'the music man' Forrest who has been working on a album for the past few months solidly, he let me listen to his work so far and discussed a few ideas whilst listening to some songs for Theo to gather some inspiration. It is early stages but after listening to the foundation of what he has created was enough to get me excited about what is to come.

Just the other day I got invited to join my good mate Chaz Sands, his mum and sister, who was visiting from Cambridge, for a meal at Bar Soba. Good food as usual at Soba and was good to catch up with Chaz and find out that he was an uncle. Here he is with his 2 year old niece, Ruby.

With it been a while since my last update it seems only proper to have a long blog for you guys. The next will have all the gossip from Belfast with the other Xynthetic family members. Should be a good one with some new work from all the troops and some live drawing action as well.