Thursday, December 27, 2007

Xynthetic Art Tour

With 2008 drawing closer each day it is not long until the Xynthetic CARBON&CHEMICALS mini art tour kicks off. The last time I was in Bristol I helped Mr Gavin Strange get the flyers sorted by using Lomography photography as they are sponsering the shows. Add these dates to your diary for each night will be filled with visual goodies as well as music provided by ED 209.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I have been invited Foot Solejah to display work for 'Nothing But Art show in Glasgow sponsered by NIKE SB. I was given some Nike SB trainers to customise for the show which will be opening at the Focus Skateshop in Glasgow.There will be Nike giveaways, free booze from generous sponsers and a raffle to raise money for Yorkhill Hospital. If you can make it along then please do. Check out the links to get more info on the show and the after party aswell.