Monday, October 22, 2007

So What Is New?

Since the opening of the show @ The Workshop I spend a couple of days taking things easy untill it came to the time where I had to get back on track with some work on some new paintings.

My studio continues to be a mess carpeted with tiny off cuts of papermixed with used spray caps and the odd dead fly or two, just the other night I got the fright of my life when I found that I had a BAT flying around my head and even landing on the sleeve of my hoody, jeez I jumped right out my skin.

With 2007 slowly drawing to a close I am already excited about what 2008 has to offer. I am in the early stages on sorting out some stuff which I will share once things have been set in stone but what I can tell should hopefully satisfy your interest.

Xynthetic continues to become stronger with both the standard of the skaters and the new artists/designers that it welcomes and I am still honoured to be apart of such a great group of like minded individuals. It has already been posted on the Xynthetic site but I haven't yet mentioned myself what is in the pipeline. Firstly I have been sketching ideas that will develop into ideas for my own laser engraved skateboard and I plan to push the laser to the limit (hopefully) but check out below the test board that Gav Strange @ Jam-Factory had done. Sweet as a nut mate.

Not only that but myself and the other artists and photographers are working on other printed decks which you will be seeing very soon no doubt. As well as that Xynthetic is proud to announce a mini tour of work set to visit not 1, not 2 but 3 ities in England. The shows will be in Middlesborough first, Nottingham second and finishing up in Bristol!
It’ll be early 2008 with the M’Borough exhib due around Jan/Feb time so not long until the first one! Stay tuned for more info on our first group shows via the Xynthetic site .
But wait there is more.

With the success of the Rebelo:06 exhibition in Newcastle we have the Rebelo vs Xynthetic show which will be towards the end of 2008. It promises to be bigger and far better than the 2006 show which has set a high level to beat but a lot has developed in two years with regards to the skills that all artists/contributors can bring to the table. I personally am very excited about this especially as an :07 exhibition didn't manage to happen. Stay tuned as things on this develop.

All in all things will be busy at the start of next year and no doubt continue through out the fun filled 12 months of 2008, I'll be sure to update this as things progress. But before I sign off I have to wait order you to go out and by Tristan Mancos new book 'Street Sketchbook.'

It is a fantastic and inspiring book that will make you pick a sketckbook and pen/pencil thanks to such a wide variety of amazing artist including favourites of mine, Elph, RichT and Mr Jago. It's a lot of book for not a lot of sheets.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Klingatron T-Shirts Available

These T-shirts are available in limited numbers @ The Workshop in the shop or you can drop me an email and I'll get one out to you.
£12 (including P&P) sizes Large and X-Large only

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Opening of the Solo show

It finally came to the thime when I had to pack up all the work that I have been working on for the past few months and head on down to Bristol for the opening of my solo show @ The Workshop. Below is the pieces that I created especially for the show and like all the other work I have done in the past they are one of a kind as once again all the stencils have been destroyed.

I met up with Jen in Glasgow and we got the tunes blazed for the 5 hour drive ahead. We arrived at the The Jam-Factory to be greeted by Gav's flat mate Amy recommending we head to the pub down the street to meet up with RichT, Danny Wainwright and Black Cloud. A pint of Guinness later it was time to head back to the flat to catch up with the legend that is Gavin Strange fresh from his London travels.

The next morning was as amazing weather wise as the day before and Gav and I headed out to the local to get milk and tea bags initially, gut came back with £40 worth of breakfast goodies.

Always a pleasure catching up with Sully.

Gav did some work and then we headed down to Workshop to meet up with Danny and Alex and deliver all the work.

As Danny and Alex worked very hard to hang the work a few folk came into the show to a have a sneak peak at the work including Bristol based artist Nick Walker.

Jen admiring the skateboards.

It was great that Jonny came down for the show, I hadn't seen him since the Rebelo:06 show and it was good to catch up.
This was the lay out of the show, which also included two framed stencils of one of my pieces allowing people to see how that paper looks after I have attacked it with a knife.

And so the party began. The Workshop filled out and it was amazing to meet suck an amazing crowd of people, all of whom I thank very much for coming down to check out my work. Even Mr Jago came down to have a spy, which was awesome to finally have the chance to meet him.

Some of the Xynthetic family.

Off to the Ship Inn for a few more Jars and even some Garlic Bread.....that's right, Garlic and Bread.
Jonny was enjoying the cider but this time there was nothing organic about it, so no swearing from him that night.

RichT had me in stitches with his comedy. Did you know that he even produces his own label of cider, I've tasted it and it's the future.

The night ended with RichT chatting up Danny and the pub closed a bit too early for me and everyone else. But it had to end at some point.
The turnout for the show was fantastic and thanks once againg to all the turned up, the show runs until November 1st so if you are anywhere near Bristol be sure to check it out.
A massive thanks to Danny @ Workshop for giving me the opportunity to show my work and to Alex for helping set up the show. To Gav, RichT and Amy for letting Jen and myself stay at their flat and to Jonny for filming the night for the up and coming Xynthetic video.
I'm back in Glasgow and have plenty to get on with so until next time, Peace.